To Feed a Hungry Blog

Did you come here hoping to get some blogging wisdom from a sizzling hot blogger? Thanks for the vote of confidence. Are you about to scroll down and skim through the “7 ways to keep conjuring unique, compelling blog ideas no one else has blogged about for time immemorial? Don’t bother. Instead what you’ll find here stands for little else but an admission that I haven’t always kept up with my blogging. Whether here or back when I went on and on at my photography blog, lapses happen.

Keeping a hungry blog fed, by Eduardo SuasteguiIf you’ve read anything about how one should blog, you know that consistency and regularity of schedule is a important as… well… you know, that thing we’re supposed to do every day and to which sometimes we assign the first positive even number. If like me you’ve tried blogging for more than two weeks you’ll know sometimes you have to keep spewing stuff every day, and sometimes you don’t feel like writing at all.

That last part becomes true with added force if, like me, you have real writing to do. Like novels. Series of them. Thousands and thousands of words pouring out of you–or not–and then you’re supposed to post something meaningful and coherent that a grand total of five people will read? Yeah, well. Not a priority.

But I do want to do better from now on, so I’ll set the following goals:
1.   I will make this blog about things you want to read, or I should say, what people that might read my fiction would find interesting. Like NOT how to write a novel.
2.   I will post more samples of my work. I’ve done that in the past, but I’ll start posting the excerpts I share on Google+ #SaturdayScenes. I’ll post them there and here.
3.   At a minimum I’ll post on Mondays. I will try really hard to also post on Thursdays, and if I happen to have a little extra time and inspiration, I’ll toss something for Saturdays–along with the Google+ #SaturdayScenes, of course.
4.   From time to time I will also post book reviews. These will come up whenever they’re ready and on any day of the week that seems to suit the purpose.

Now that’s the plan. My “real” writing comes first, and we’ll see how this plan works out in a way that doesn’t interfere with getting more stories out there for my readers.

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