Monthly Archives: April 2016

#SaturdayScenes: Wounded Honor (Tracking Jane), Part 6

The problem with this hearing, as Candice explained during strategy sessions back home, comes from divergent agendas. Usually, she recounted, one party favors the witness while the other attacks it. Unfortunately for me, I’ll likely get it from both sides. On the one hand, those on the left, not too keen on the nasty behind-the-scenes […]

#SaturdayScenes: Wounded Honor (Tracking Jane), Part 5

The gentleman nods, smiles some more, and this time I could swear he does wink at me. Will have to check the footage later. Looking forward to it already. “I saw you visited Arlington this morning,” the senator says, affecting a more serious expression. “A moving ceremony, I must say.” He pauses, and here I […]

I Pressed Publish, and Wounded Honor Came Out!

As promised, Wounded Honor, the seventh book in the Tracking Jane series, is out today! You can grab the print or eBook version from an online store near you. If you haven’t read the preceding episodes in Jane’s saga, you can also pick those up from the same source. Or, if you’re the more deliberate […]

#SaturdayScenes: Wounded Honor (Tracking Jane), Part 4

I’m still thinking about down the middle when, after arriving to the clicking and flashing of cameras, and having shaken a few hands of folks I scarcely recognize, I sit smack in the center of a table only I occupy, but for the company of my one legal representative, none other than Candice herself. What […]

#VOTMNews: Upcoming Releases for Tracking Jane & Quantum Law

I am happy to report that I am stepping through the final wickets in preparation for the April 21 release of Tracking Jane, episode 7, Wounded Honor. This next episode turned into quite the story, clocking in at a full novel length. More than that, it ties up quite a few threads that have led […]

#SaturdayScenes: Wounded Honor (Tracking Jane), Part 3

Even though time is getting short on us, I refuse a ride and instead, holding Dan’s hand, the two of us walk down to the visitor center. “Nice weather,” he says a couple of times. It is. The crisp fall air fills my lungs with what strikes me as the refreshing touch from the Almighty […]

#VOTMNews: Random Origins, How #OurCyberWorld Got Its Random, #99cents

Random Origins, a four short story collection introducing some of the key characters and themes of the Our Cyber World series, is now available for 99 cents at the Kindle, iBooks, Nook, and Kobo stores. Order now »

#SaturdayScenes: Wounded Honor (Tracking Jane), Part 2

A week later, after making my second trip to Washington DC, I stand at the top of the steps above the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, overlooking this portion of Arlington Cemetery. Next to me, Dan shifts his weight to lean closer. He pats my back to express what he won’t say. Keep it together. […]

A Day for Celebrating Foolishness

It seems silly, even foolish (ha!) to have a day when we celebrate foolishness. April Fools’ day is here, and all manner of energy will be spent to concoct “credible” hoaxes and clever sarcastic-filled missives in the hopes that one of them will go viral. While I usually sit on the sidelines and look askance […]