Quantum Law: Prime Decision Available to Reader’s Club Members

To celebrate the completion of the first draft of my upcoming novel, Quantum Law, I’m pleased to announce that the first episode, Prime Decision, is now available for free download to Reader’s Club members. If you’re already in the club, check your inbox for an email from me with the download link. If you’re not a member, time to fix that, huh?

Sign up for your free copy

Quantum Law: Prime Decision Giveaway by Eduardo Suastegui

Prime Decision is a long’ish short story that provides the first episode in what I hope to release soon as a full length novel. Oh, yeah, about that novel… did I mention I finished the first draft? Well, yes, I did. And though the euphoria of these things is high upon typing “the end,” soon to morph into uncertainty and self-doubt, the story feels pretty solid, full of intrigue, suspense and lots of cool character interactions. I hope you can join me in this journey that involves my first ever published science fiction novel!

Again, if you haven’t done so, sign up for your free copy, or simply join my Reader’s Club to stay abreast of future news!

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