Getting Tracking Jane Back on… Track!

As I get rolling on Blood Track again, I decided to read through the Tracking Jane series. You heard me right. Over the past week or so, I have read every Tracking Jane book. Along the way I’ve cleaned up some nits, updated formatting, and refreshed the covers (more on this below).

But I needed to read through each episode for more than that. After spending some time away from the series (I finished the first draft of Blood Track a couple of months ago) to focus on the Our Cyber World series, I felt I needed to reconnect. First, I needed to reconnect with Jane’s voice. Her voice and mine are diametrically opposed, and I feared time a way would risk “losing it” or diluting it.

More importantly, though, I wanted to evaluate her character arc in one swoop. Where has she been? How has she changed? What steps forward has she taken? That last question is important, because with Jane’s problems, she often reverts to old patterns and regresses rather than moves forward. But sure enough, and especially with Brownie, I saw her asserting herself—getting out of the inch in front of her nose, as she puts it.

This was good for me to see afresh. That expansion to go beyond herself, her pain, and what troubles her to care for others will form a big—if imperfect—part of what she will face in Blood Track. With that in mind, up front and center, I feel more ready—if not necessarily able!—to take on this latest episode and carry it to the finish line.

Oh, yeah, here are the covers. But before I forget, be on the lookout for a couple of promos I will be running in the next month or so for previously released Tracking Jane books.

Tracking Jane, refreshed covers, by Eduardo Suastegui

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