#VoTMNews: Blood Track Pre-order and Decisive Moment Promos, plus something cooking

As promised, it’s Thursday, and hence time for some #VOTMNews.

Blood Track, episode 5 of the Tracking Jane series, by Eduardo Suastegui, coming July 28, 2015, available for pre-orderFirst up, in case you haven’t heard, yes, Blood Track is, well, on track for its July 28th release. Over the past week, I’ve been running a promotion, wherein the price progressively goes up toward its higher price. You can still get it today for $1.99 (USD) before it goes up to its $2.99 final promotion price. Once released, it gets more expensive, so save yourself a half cup of fancy coffee and grab it now.

Decisive Moment, promotion by Eduardo SuasteguiI am also running a Decisive Moment free promotion through this weekend. Please leave a review if you grab it–after you read it and love it, of course! I am having a bit of a crisis of belief with the Our Cyber World series lately, half because it’s not getting much action in retailers, and half because I’m pretty burned out on it. That means your support would mean a lot to make my mind as to whether I should devote more energy into it after I finish and release Feral.

Quantum Law: Prime Decision, by Eduardo SuasteguiI’m also quietly–OK, until now–working on releasing my first Science Fiction story, Quantum Law: Prime Decision. This will provide a new adventure for me. A legal thriller set in the future. That should prove interesting. So far I’m pretty happy with the first installment. For now, I don’t have much more to say about, but come back next week for more details!

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