#VOTMNews: A Quantum Adventure in Sci-Fi Storytelling

With much relief, I am happy to report Encisis Strike, my newest Sci-Fi story, is now through its first draft! Boy, it was hard to get that ending down. Even though I knew exactly where the story would end, final twists and all, arriving there in words proved rather daunting. But it’s done.

I’ve been very uncertain about this story–whether I even want to take my writing in this direction. If you go looking for any mention of Encisis Strike elsewhere on this site, you will find none. I’ve been that unsure about it. Sci-Fi? Me?

Quantum Sci-Fi Storytelling, by Eduardo Suastegui

As it turned out, the story will tie in somewhat loosely to the two Quantum Law novels I am set to release between summer and fall of this year. Ending up as a Space Opera of sorts, the tale will have us join the adventures of Secret Agent Logan Rexton as he seeks to stop a rebel insurrection, and reporter Francesca Ruiz, whose quest for a story about labor and political unrest will entangle her efforts with Rexton’s.

Having completed it now, I will do my usual let-it-simmer routine while I return my focus to Quantum Law’s release. I hope you join me on this new journey!

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