A New (and Free!) ‘Our Cyber World’ Short Story

Along with the Feral prequel, now with a completed first draft, I am planning to release Semi,Semi a short story that will show how Martin Spencer and Julian Rogers came to work together. I will make this short story free, and at first exclusively so, to my mail list subscribers. I haven’t fully decided yet, but I tentatively plan to also include Semi at the end of the Feral book.

What is Semi about? Oh, I don’t want to say too much. A short story is easy to spoil. Let’s say it will involve a certain hacker riding inside a semi trailer while trying to do nasty things to a major American city. Incidentally, the story will share a common thread with Feral. I didn’t know that until I wrote the last two chapters. This surprised me a little, but in retrospect, it shouldn’t have. Funny how free-flowing, non-planned stories have a way to land exactly where they should–naturally.

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