How writers keep it rolling, philosophically speaking

Why do we write and how do we keep it going?

To answer this question, let’s build on Descartes’ “I think therefore I am.” OK, that proves, at least to ourselves, that we exist. In turn we write because we exist: we cannot not write (Ha, take that! Double-negative!), because the mere fact of existing demands that a writer keep writing. Otherwise, you’re miserable. Write-CircleAnd if we write, it must also be true that we think, or how else would we string all those wonderful sentences in a manner that makes sense (on most days)? Now we reboot the whole thing, because we’re thinking, so we exist, and boom, we’re writing again.

Let’s recap:

I think, therefore I am.
I am therefore, I write.
I write therefore, I think.

Class dismissed. Because I haven’t blogged for days and had to post something silly. If you found this bit of loopy logic inspirational, feel free to contribute in one of the many available ways.

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