#VOTMNews: Virtual Identity First Draft… Complete!?

Dear Reader,

Last night, I finished the second draft of Virtual Identity. Not happy with the ending in the first draft, I more or less disposed of the last fourth of the story and wrote a new ending. Virtual Identity, with pitch, by Eduardo I’m still not entirely sure about the ending–the new one–but it does strike me as a stronger fit for the overall story.

This proved a tough story to write. I liked the idea behind it, and I connected with the three main characters, two of which I already knew from previous Our Cyber World stories. But the story’s complexity, it’s mind-bending elements, and it’s nearly (I think) non-sensical plot turns gave me fits. I am hoping a trusted Alpha reader will help me uncover the hidden flaws that are bothering me, but which I cannot flag on my own.

In general, I don’t know that I have more than one Our Cyber World story left. Both in my heart and through the more enthusiastic acceptance readers have given that other series, I am leaning toward dedicating my limited time and energy to other writing endeavors.

Not wanting all that to come across as a big downer, I plan to give away Virtual Identity to twenty select readers from my Reader’s Club. If you haven’t already, join up to be part of the raffle.

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