Where do story ideas come from?

Where do authors get story ideas? We can draw from many sources: the news, people we meet, injustices we see or experience first hand, and perhaps even other works of fiction. For me, it usually boils down to what stirs my heart.

Recently someone asked me where in the world I got the idea for a story about a female military dog handler who, struggling with physical and psychological challenges, strives to rebuild her life.Tracking Jane series, Brownie, episode 4 by Eduardo Suastegui My answer is simple. I’ve heard stories about vets coming home injured both in mind and body, and my heart breaks for them. I’ve seen how they push forward, often painfully and unevenly, two steps forward, a fall backward, and my heart swells and crashes with them. I experience how dogs and humans partner to do some amazing things and to share unconditional, restorative love, and my heart grows in hope. In short, I had to write the Tracking Jane story because she and many like her and her dogs stir my heart.

I find it assuring when readers tell me these stories stir their hearts as well. Making that sort of emotional connection with those who take the time to pick up one of my stories will keep me writing them as long as I can command a keyboard or like device.

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