How a Novel that Turned Into a Short Story Became a Novel Again

A while back I wrote about how a story I started as a novel turned into a short story. Well, time has passed and inspiration has struck…

King's Sacrifice and SEERS, stories by Eduardo Suastegui

When I first conceived King’s Sacrifice, I envisioned it as a full length novel. In writing it, I decided it worked best as a short story, and released it as such in Random Origins, an Our Cyber World story collection.

As story ideas often do, the concept re-germinated and morphed into a different story than I initially conceived. More than that, the main character, Bogdan Mendez, demanded more life and breadth. Starting with and building on King’s Sacrifice, then, the story grew into what I foresee now as a fuller, longer story: SEERS. It might turn into a novel, or perhaps end up as a novella. Either way, it’s going a longer distance, and so far the journey is turning into a lot of fun!

How fun? Well, the first part of the story is titled “Kill Chain”…

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