The dynamics of followship: 3.75 key observations

Who’s following me? Back where I grew up (Cuba), this question came with fearful connotations. Living under surveillance can unnerve you. The same can happen if someone freaky follows you along a dim-lit New York street, I suppose. But these days, many of us treat and chase after having followers–the more the better–as a hallmark of success.

For example, hooking people to follow your blog takes a lot of work. One way to do that, or so I read, is to have blog post titles that contain a number. Like, “5 Ways to Lose Weight, No Sweat!” Hence my insertion of 3.75, decimal added to spice things up.

But do we really have a good grasp of what being followed means and the import it carries? As a writer, I want people to follow me–especially readers! Presumably, when readers follow me, they’ll get to know me, sample my amazing wit and get a feel for my worldview, and that might encourage them to buy one of my books. In light of this, judging my success by my Twitter or Google+ following can seem like the logical thing to do.

Yet, it didn’t take me long to notice that “following” someone can turn into a silly, time-sink of a game. People follow you, then if you don’t follow back–or even if you do follow–they unfollow you, either behavior driven by the desire to see that “followers” number go up and up and up.

Of course, we have another problem: having thousands of people following you that don’t give one wit about you or your work or whatever you want to communicate on social media. And the flip-side corollary: following thousands of people you can’t possibly pay more than scant attention to, much less engage with in a meaningful way.

So… what are we doing, folks? This amassing of followship that amounts to nothing. Sure, the celebs and a handful of branded personalities might merit our followship and that of countless others.

Path-to-followBut what’s the point?

Here’s an idea. Follow the path your heart guides you along. Take it to that place where you will fulfill your dreams. If you walk this path well, and if others are attracted to it, they will join you. Yes, join you, not follow. They will walk it at your side. Won’t you like that better than incredible number by your avatar?

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