Monthly Archives: December 2014

If you’d rather say “Happy Holidays” this Christmas season…

Here we are, nineteen to twenty days before Christmas day, depending on your time zone, and what are we doing? Well, some of us are engaging in that highly productive debate on whether to say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays.” Sure, because we prefer that over running around to finish out our <<insert-word-here>> shopping; or […]

7 Questions & Answers about the Our Cyber World series

From time to time folks ask me questions about the Our Cyber World series. Just as often, I wonder whether folks have questions about how I’ve structured this series, among other details. Here’s my effort to address some of these queries. Note that as I provide answers, I will do so with minimal to no […]

Review of Missing, Assumed Dead, by Marva Dasef

Kameron McBride reluctantly heads out to a far-flung part of Oregon to settle estate affairs for a distant relative. She learns he has been missing for quite some time and is now assumed dead. Hey, that sounds like a great title, doesn’t it? Something like, Missing, Assumed Dead, perhaps… Without the benefit of a death […]